全本小说网 ksxs.cc,穿越之异国爱恋无错无删减全文免费阅读!
p; “哎呀呀!我忘了,忘了你不懂听英语了。呵呵,不好意思!我的意思是问你可好啊?我的男朋友?”雨星眨巴着大眼睛说。
“你喜欢我?呵呵,太好了!我要对你说:我也喜欢你!” 燚璘说了埋在心底里的那句话。
“我想我们要送的礼物不及你们的好,所以我们就不送了,她老人家开心就好了。” 元璘把这几天他们想的结果说了出来。
“好啊。我们出去走走,放松一下心情!” 燚璘说。
“我们就唱那首<<big big world>>怎么样?”雨星说。
“i"m a big big girl
in a big big world
it"s not a big big thing
if you leave me
but i do do feel that
i too too will miss you much
miss you much
i can see the first leaf falling
it"s all yellow and nice
it"s so very cold outside
like the way i"m feeling inside
i"m a big big girl
in a big big world
it"s not a big big thing
if you leave me
but i do do feel that
i too too will
miss you much
miss you much
outside it"s now raining
and tears are falling from my eyes
why did it have to happen
why did it all have to end
i"m a big big girl
in a big big world
it"s not a big big thing
if you leave me
but i do do feel
that i too too will
miss you much
miss you much
i have your arms a肉nd me
ooooh like fire
but when i open my eyes
you"re gone
i"m a big big girl
in a big big world
it"s not a big big thing
if you leave me
but i do do feel
that i too too will
miss you much
miss you much
i"m a big big girl
in a big big world
it"s not a big big thing
if you leave me
but i do feel i will
miss you much
miss you much。”
“恩恩,好听极了,虽然不知道是在唱什么,但是真的很好听。” 燚璘说。
“” ̄- ̄|||||||||
p; “哎呀呀!我忘了,忘了你不懂听英语了。呵呵,不好意思!我的意思是问你可好啊?我的男朋友?”雨星眨巴着大眼睛说。
“你喜欢我?呵呵,太好了!我要对你说:我也喜欢你!” 燚璘说了埋在心底里的那句话。
“我想我们要送的礼物不及你们的好,所以我们就不送了,她老人家开心就好了。” 元璘把这几天他们想的结果说了出来。
“好啊。我们出去走走,放松一下心情!” 燚璘说。
“我们就唱那首<<big big world>>怎么样?”雨星说。
“i"m a big big girl
in a big big world
it"s not a big big thing
if you leave me
but i do do feel that
i too too will miss you much
miss you much
i can see the first leaf falling
it"s all yellow and nice
it"s so very cold outside
like the way i"m feeling inside
i"m a big big girl
in a big big world
it"s not a big big thing
if you leave me
but i do do feel that
i too too will
miss you much
miss you much
outside it"s now raining
and tears are falling from my eyes
why did it have to happen
why did it all have to end
i"m a big big girl
in a big big world
it"s not a big big thing
if you leave me
but i do do feel
that i too too will
miss you much
miss you much
i have your arms a肉nd me
ooooh like fire
but when i open my eyes
you"re gone
i"m a big big girl
in a big big world
it"s not a big big thing
if you leave me
but i do do feel
that i too too will
miss you much
miss you much
i"m a big big girl
in a big big world
it"s not a big big thing
if you leave me
but i do feel i will
miss you much
miss you much。”
“恩恩,好听极了,虽然不知道是在唱什么,但是真的很好听。” 燚璘说。
“” ̄- ̄|||||||||